
FAQs about the Closure of Tim Bray Theatre Company

General questions

Can I access the plays that Tim Bray, QSM has written?
To find out how to stage a successful play of Tim Bray, QSM, which includes plays for adults, head to https://www.playmarket.org.nz/playwrights/tim-bray/
When is the last Tim Bray Theatre Company show?
The last show was the 20th Anniversary Production of The Santa Claus Show ‘24.

This show ran from 1-22 December, 2024.

I am a supplier / contractor. Will my invoices be paid?
Was the Company in financial trouble?
No, the organisation closed due to Tim Bray QSM’s ill health.
Can I help?
Tim Bray Theatre Company had financial commitments while we worked through closing the company and we accepted general donations via our website until 31 December 2024.

To donate, go to https://timbrayprodn.infoodle.com/f/DonateForm

For Donors

Can I still donate to Gift a Seat®?
What happens to my Gift a Seat® donation?
Your Gift a Seat® donation was allocated so children could attend the The Santa Claus Show ’24.
I am a monthly Gift a Seat® donor – what happens now?
Your last Gift a Seat® donation came out on November 2024. We then cancelled all pledges.
What happens to my 'Theatre For All Appeal' donation?
Your ‘Theatre For All Appeal’ donation was used to support theatre operational costs in 2024.
Will I still get my annual tax receipt in 2025?

For Youth Theatre

Will there be youth theatre drama classes in 2025?
No, there will be no further drama classes or holiday programmes.
Where can my child attend drama classes and holiday programmes?
For North Shore weekly drama classes and holiday programmes in 2025, you can contact current Tim Bray Theatre Company tutor Rachel Constantine by email at keaperformingarts@gmail.com or by calling 022 657 1890. You can also visit her website at keaperformingarts.co.nz

“Rachel has been tutoring drama with us for 10 years and is truly beloved by all the students she has taught. Her classes and holiday programmes are always creative and fun, and her students always grow in confidence under her care. We can highly recommend Kea Performing Arts to any students from ages 5-16yrs with a love of storytelling, performing and creativity.” – Sara Dakin, Tim Bray Youth Theatre Manager


You could also check out Auckland for Kids: https://www.aucklandforkids.co.nz/dance-drama-music-school-holiday-programmes/

Or try contacting one of the following:

If I have a credit, what happens to it?

We are happy to send you a refund via bank transfer.

Key Contact

For all enquiries: Please email info@timbray.org.nz

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